1968 yılında doğan Prof. Dr. Teslime Atlı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'ndeki tıp eğitimini tamamlamıştır. Tıpta uzmanlık eğitimini ise, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı'nda yapmıştır, 2001 senesinde ise yine aynı üniversitede yandal uzmanlık eğitimini de Geriatri alanında tamamlamıştır.
Doçent Doktor ve Profesör Doktor unvanlarını Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi'nden almıştır. Ankara Özel Güven Hastanesi'ndeki görevinden sonra şu anda Adana'da kendi özel muayenehanesinde hastalarını kabul etmektedir.
EAMA (European Academy for Medicine) advanced postgraduate course katılımı 2011-2012.
EAMA membership Ocak 2013.
Yabancı dil: İyi derecede İngilizce (1993 KPDS:82)
Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı ve Danışmanı :
Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi: Postnekrotik sirozda serum ve idrar çinko düzeyleri ile aminoasit düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki.
Danışman: Prof.Dr. Selim Karayalçın, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Gastroenteroloji B.D.
Tıpta Yandal Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı ve Danışmanı :
Tıpta Yandal Uzmanlık Tezi: Orta derecede iyot eksikliği olan bir bölgede yaşayan yaşlılardaki tiroid hastalıkları spektrumu ve prevelansı.
Danışman: Prof.Dr. Murat F. Erdoğan, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastalıkları B.D.
Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergiler ve Yayınlanan Makaleler:
1. S. Kutlay, , G. Nergisoglu, N. Duman, T. Atli, K. Keven, S. Erturk, K. Ates ve O. Karatan, “Recognition of neurocognitive dysfunction in chronic hemodialysis patients,” Renal Failure, 23, ).
2. N. Turkcapar, , S. Kutlay, G. Nergisoglu, T. Atli ve N. Duman, “Prevalence of cryptosporidium infection in chronic hemodialaysis patients,” Nephron, 90, )
3. S. Kutlay, , G. Nergisoglu, S. Kutlay, K. Keven, S. Erturk, K. Ates, N. Duman, O. Karatan ve T. Atli, “General or disease specific questionnaire? A comperative study in hemodialysis patients,” Renal Failure, 25, ).
4. T.Atli, K. Keven, A. Avci, S. Kutlay, N. Turkcapar, M. Varli, S. Aras, E. Ertug ve O. Canbolat, “Oxidative stres and antioxidant status in elderly diabetes mellitus and glucose intolerance patients,” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 39(3), ).
5. T.Atli, S. Gullu, A.R. Uysal ve G. Erdogan, “The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and effects of ultraviolet light on vitamin D levels in elderly Turkish population,” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 40(1), 53-60 (2005).
6. Kutlay, S., Atli, T., Koseogulları, O., Nergizoglu, G., Duman, N., Gulu, S. “Thyroid disorders in hemodialysis patients in an iodine deficient community.” Artificial Organs 29(4), ).
7. Turkcapar, N., Demir, O., Atli, T., Kopuk, M., Turgay, M., Kinikli, G., Duman M. “Late onset rheumatoid arthritis: Clinical and laboratory comparisions with younger onset patients.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 42(2), ).
8. Atli, T., Keven K. “ Orthostatic hypotension inthe healthy elderly.” Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics,43(3),313-7 (2006).
9. Avci A, Atli, T., Ergüder IB, Varli M, Devrim E, Turgay SA, Durak I. “ Effects of apple consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects.” Exp Aging Res, 33(4), ).
10. Avci A, Atli, T., Ergüder IB, Varli M, Devrim E, Aras S, Durak I. “ Effects of garlic consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects.” Gerontology, 54(3),173-6 (2008).
11. Varli M, Turhan S, Aras S, Atli T, Erdogan G. ”Effects of weight loss on ventricular systolic and diastolic functions and left ventricular mass assesed by tissue doppler imaging in obese geriatric women:preliminary report”Aging Clin Exp Res. 2010;22(3):206-11.
12. Can SS, Ozel TE, Varli M, Turan E, Atli T. “Psychometric properties of the Turkish versions of three different clock drawing tests in patients with dementia” Archives of Neuropsychiatry. 201047;91-5.
13. Varli M, Yagmurlu B, Aras S, Atli T, Erdogan G. “Effects of weight loss on metabolic control, blood pressure, carotid intima-media thickness and abdominal fat distribution in obese geriatric women.” Obesity and Metabolism 2010;6:50-56.
14. Avci A, Atli T, Ergüder İB, Varli M, Devrim E, demir Ö, Durak I, Turgay M. “Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects.” Turk J Med Sci 2010; 40(4): 525-529.
15. Coban S, Soykan I, Akbulut H, Atli T, Ensari A. “The effect of age and helicobacter pylori infection on gastric epithelial cell kinetics” Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 2011; 35(10):661-5.
16. Aras S, Varli M, Uzun B, Atli T, Keven K, Turgay M. “Comparison of different glomerular filtration methods in the elderly: which formula provides better estimates?” Renal Failure 2012;34(4):435-41.
17. Varli M, Guruz H, Aras S, Yalcin A, Atli T, Turgay M. “Asymptomatic bacteriuria among the elderly living in the community: prevalence, risk factors and characteristics” Eur Geriatr Med, 2012;3(2):87-91.
18. Aras S, Varli M, Yalcin A, Karaaslan O, Caglar AB, Atli T. “Kaposi’s sarcoma: An unusual cause of persistent bilateral leg edema in old age” Eur Geriatr Med, 2012;3(2):114-6.
19. Aras S, Varli M, Tek I, Cengiz OK, Yalcin A, Atli T. “The relationship of plasma viscosity with microvascular complications in the diabetic elderly and its predictive value” European Geriatric Medicine, 3, ).
20. T.Atli, S. Sahin, B. Ugur Arslan, M. Varli, A.E. Yalcin, S. Aras. “ Comparison of the C14 urea breath test and histopathology in the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori in the elderly. J Pak Med Assoc, 62, )
21. S.Aras, I. Tek, M. Varli, A. Yalcin, O.K. Cengiz, V.Atmis, T. Atli. “Plasma Viscosity: Is a Biomarker for the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia? ” Am J Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias. 201222. O.K. Cengiz, S.E. Esmen, M.Varli, A. Yalcin, S.Aras, V. Atmis, T. Atli. “ Markedly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in older adults. How significant clinically? ” European Geriatric Medicine, (2012).
22. M. Cankurtaran, B. Saka , S. Sahin, M. Varlı, A. Doventas, B.B. Yavuz, M. Halil, A. Curgunlu, Z. Ulger, N. Tekin, F. Akcicek, M.A. Karan, T. Atli, T. Beger, D.S. Erdincler, S. Ariogul. “Turkish nursing homes and care homes nutritional status assessment project (THN-malnutrition) “ European Geriatric Medicine. 20134(5); 329-3423. S. Aras, M. Varlı, G. Gence, E. Ayarcan Özyiğit, A. Yalçın, T. Atlı. “Yaşlı kadınlarda jinekolojik problemler ve jinekolojik kanser tarama sonuçları. “ Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 33(3), )
24. M Halil, Z Ulger, M Varlı, A Döventaş, G B Oztürk, M E Kuyumcu, B B Yavuz, Y Yesil, F Tufan, M Cankurtaran, B Saka, S Sahin, A Curgunlu, N Tekin, F Akçiçek, M A Karan, T Atlı, T Beger, D S Erdinçler and S Arıoğul. Sarcopenia assessment project in the nursing homes in Turkey. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 68, 690-694 (June 2014)
25. Tekin Yildirim, Ahmet Yalcin, Volkan Atmis, Ozlem Karaarslan Cengiz, Sevgi Aras, Murat Varlı, Teslime Atli. The prevalence of anemia, iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid deficiencies in community dwelling elderly in Ankara, Turkey. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 60;344–348.(2015)
26. Ahmet Yalcin, Sevgi Aras, Volkan Atmis, Ozlem Karaarslan Cengiz, Murat Varli, Esat Cinar and Teslime Atli. Sarcopenia prevalence and factors associated with sarcopeniain older people living in a nursing home in Ankara Turkey Geriatr Gerontol Int 201527. Z. Dogan , A. Yalcin b V. Atmis , O.K. Cengiz , S. Aras, M. Varli , E. Cinar ,T. Atli.The prevalence of urinary incontinence and factors associated with urinary incontinence in community dwelling older Turkish people. European Geriatric Medicin 2015, 6(5); 417-2128. U.İlgen, V.Atmış, Ö.Karaarslan Cengiz, E.Çınar, S.Aras, M.Varlı, T.Atli. A case of CMV esophagitis complicated by extensive thrombosis in older patient without HIV infection or transplantation. European Geriatric Medicine 2015, 6: 278-280.
29. Ahmet Yalcin, Volkan Atmis, Ozlem Karaarslan Cengiz, Esat Cinar, Murat Varli, Sevgi Aras and Teslime Atli. Arterial Stiffness in Older People with Different Types of Dementia Compared to Older People without Cognitive Dysfunction Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2321 – 3639) Volume 03 – Issue 04, October 201530. Yalcin A, Atmis V, Cengiz OK, Cinar E, Aras S, Varli M, Atli T. Evaluation of Cardiac Autonomic Functions in Older Parkinson's Disease Patients: a Cross-Sectional Study. Aging Dis. 20162;7(1):28-35.
31. Randall J, Keven K, Atli T, Ustun C. Process of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation decision making for older adults. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2015 Oct 12.
32. Hajjar RR, Atli T, Al-Mandhari Z, Oudrhiri M, Balducci L, Silbermann M. Prevalence of aging population in the Middle East and its implications on cancer incidence and care. Ann Oncol. 201324 Suppl 7:vii11-24.
Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılardaki Sunulan Bildiriler:
1. Coban, S., M. Toruner, T. Atli, A. Ensari, H. Akbulut, A. Ozden ve I. Soykan, “DNA ploidy and Helicobactery infection. Are they guilty for progressing in to intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia in elderly patients?,” 11th International Congress on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms, Freiburg-Germany, September 1-5, 2001.
2. Erdogan, M.F., T. Atli, C. Ekinci, Y. Genc, H. Gokmen ve G. Erdogan, “Thyroid disorders in the elderly from an iodine deficient community,” 24th Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases of Turkey Joint Meeting with the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, İstanbul, October 4-6, 2001.
3. Kutlay, S., T. Atli, O. Koseogullari, G. Nergisoglu, N. Duman ve S. Gullu, “Thyroid disorders in hemodialysis patients in an iodine deficient community,” 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon-France, April 26-30, 2003.
4. Gulu, S., T.Atli, A.R. Uysal ve G. Erdogan, “Vitamin D deficiency and bone loss in elderly population,” 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon-France, April 26-30, 2003.
5- Öztürk HS, Avci A, Ergüder IB, Atli T, Varli M, Devrim E, Aras S, Turgay M, Durak I. “Effects of apple consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects” 54th Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki-Finland, 29 August-2 September, 2006.
6- Avci A, Atli T, Ergüder IB, Varli M, Devrim E, Demir O, Durak I, Aras S. “Effects of grape consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects” 54th Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki-Finland, 29 August-2 September, 2006.
7- Ergüder IB, Avci A, Atli T, Varli M, Devrim E, Aras S, Durak I. “Effects of garlic consumption on plasma and erythrocyte antioxidant parameters in elderly subjects” 54th Annual Congress on Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki-Finland, 29 August-2 September, 2006.
8.Yılmaz B, Demir O, Atli T, Erdogan MF. “Changes in the spectrum of thyroid diseases in geriatric population 10 years after mandatory iodination in Ankara.” 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
9. Aras S, Varli M, Gulev B, Atli T, Keven K. The comparison of differernt glomerular filtrarion rate measurement methods in elderly. 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
10. Varli M, Guriz H, Aras S, Atli T, Turgay M. The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria and urinary tract infection in ambulatory elderly people. 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
11. Atli T, Yalcin A, Dogan Z, Yilmaz B, Inancli SS. Frequency and causes of urinary incontinence and post void residual volume in Turkish elderly population. 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
12. Kutlay S, Atli T, Mollamahmutoglu S, Nergizoglu G, Ates K, Karatan O. The relationship between arterial stiffness and inflammation in older adults. 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
13. Kutlay S, Atli T, Yesil H, Yilmaz B, Nergizoglu G, Ates K, Karatan O. Relation of adiponectin and high sensitive C-reactive protein to pulse wave velocity in older adults. 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
14. Kutlay S, Atli T, Yesil H, Yilmaz B, Nergizoglu G, Ates K, Karatan O. Distribution of asymetric dimethylarginine among healthy, older adults. 6th Congress of the EUGMS Dublin, Ireland, 29 September-1 October, 2010.
15. Yılmaz B, Demir Ö, Atlı T, Erdoğan MF. “Spectrum of thyroid diseases in geriatric population 10 years after mandatory iodination in Ankara”. 14th International Thyroid Congress Paris, France. 11-16 September, 2010.
16. T. Yildirim, T. Atli, M. Varli, S. Aras, A. Yalcin, O. Karaaslan Cengiz, V. Atmıs. Prevalence of anemia in elderly living in the community. . 8th Congress of the EUGMS, European Geriatric Medicine,3S, 91 pp., Brussels, 26-28 September 2012.
17. H. Yildiz, T.Atli, M. Varli, S. Aras, A.Yalcin, O. Karaarslan Cengiz, V. Atmis, M. Turgay. The relationship between serum vitamin D levels and bone mineral density in community-dwelling elderly. 8th Congress of the EUGMS, European Geriatric Medicine,3S, 92 pp., Brussels, 26-28 September 2012.
18. O. Karaaslan Cengiz, S. Ergulu Esmen, M. Varli, S. Aras, A.Yalcin, V. Atmis, T.Atli. Markedly elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in elderly. How significant clinically? 8th Congress of the EUGMS, European Geriatric Medicine,3S, 94 pp., Brussels, 26-28 September 2012.
19. A.Yalcin, T.Atli, G. Nergizoglu, M. Varli, S. Aras, S. Kutlay, O. Karaaslan Cengiz, V. Atmis. Relation between dementia, Alzheimer disease associated dementia, vascular dementia and arterial stiffness in elderly. 8th Congress of the EUGMS, European Geriatric Medicine,3S, 136 pp., Brussels, 26-28 September 2012.
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