Op. Dr. Veysel Sarraf
Kulak Burun Boğaz Doktoru

Op. Dr. Veysel Sarraf

  • İstanbul
  • 413 Görüntülenme
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Op. Dr. Veysel Sarraf Hakkında

Op. Dr. Veysel SARRAF
Doğum tarihi: 01/01/1985
Uzmanlık alanı: KBB, Yüz plastik cerrahisi

Uzmanlık : Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma
Hastanesi (2012-2016).

Çalıştığı kurumlar: 

  • Özel hastane 34 hastanesi , Bağcılar, istanbul,
  • Özel Safa hastanesi ,Bağcılar, istanbul (2018-2019)
    Kozluk devlet hastanesi, Batman (2019-2020)
  • Şimdi ise: Özel muayenehanemizde hizmet veriyoruz
    (Brand istanbul park sitesi, B blok, 3. kat, 23 nolu Ofis, Beylikdüzü, İstanbul)

İlgi alanları:

  • Rinoplasti;
  • Yüz plastık cerrahisi,
  • KBB ile ilgili cerrahi girişimleri


Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, (2005-2011)

Kurslar / Sertifikalar

Katıldığı bilimsel toplantıları ve kongreleri:

1- 23-26 May 201 3 9. Turkish rhinology congress
attendance certificate.

2- October 24-24.201411 th
Cadavenc application of endoscopic sinus

3- 15- 1 6 March 2014 The congress of snoring and obstructive steep apnea, titled Symphony in breath, was held in Medipol University ,9 November 2014

4- Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Sagely Congress.

5- May 10, 2015 Sakarya University Faculty ofMedicine ENT and face plastic surgery association bilimsel yüz Nose ear aesthetic meeting 5 meeting with common scientific activity.

6- Medical Park Hospitals Group & Head and Neck Cancer Association and ıstanbul Kemerburgaz University kanser az Current Approach to Head and Neck Cancer er Symposium.

7- 3-4 october 2015 Trans-European Postgraduate
Otology Neurotology education- Temporal Bone
Dissection Course On Cadaver Heads- lstanbul-

8- 21-24 April 2016 12th Turkish Congress of
Rhinology and + 4 th National Congress of
Otology Neurotology

9- 15th Video conferences meeting held at Adana
Sheraton Hotel on 24-26 March 2017

10- Live surgery and Hands on Fresh Cadaver Dissection Course on Advanced funtional Endoscopİc Sinus Surgery and Septorhinopiasty head an Ankara on 29 September- 1

1 1- 16. Video Konferances meeting hdd at Adana
Hilton SA Hotel on 30 March- 1 April.

Makaleler / Yayınlar

Bilimsel makaleler:

1- . Is corticosteroid a treatment choice for
the management of peritonsillar
Kayhan FT. Auris Nasus Larynx. 201 8 Apr145(2):291 - 294. doi: 1 0.1 01 6/j.anl.2017.04.008. Epub 2017 May 1. PMID: 28473273

2- Intratympanic steroid iniection and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment for sudden hearing loss
Gülüstan F, Yazıcı ZM, Alakhras WME, Erdur O,
ACİpayam H, Kufeciler L, Kayhan FT. Buz J
Otorhinolaryngo1. 2016 Nov 22. pii: S1808-
8694(16)30232-4. doi:
[0.]016/i.bjor].2016.10.013. EEpub ahead of print]
PMID: 27964845

3- is the Monocyte/HDL Ratio a Prognostic Marker of Idiooathic Sudden Rearing Loss?
Koçak HE, ACİpayam H, Elbistanlı MS, YiğiderAP,
Alakhras W, Kıral MN, Kayhan FT.
PM I D: 27935541

4- Microvascular dysfunction affects the development and prognosis
of sudden idiopathic hearing loss.
Koçak HE, Filiz Acıpayam AŞ, Acıpayam H, çakıl
Erdoğan B, Alakhras WME, Kıral MN, Keskin M,
Kayhan FT.
Epub 2016 Nov 8.
PMID: 27762099

Kitap bölümleri :

Kayhan. Acute epiglottitis, Wesam M.E. Alakhras,
ibrahim Erdim 245-247.

2- EAR NOSE THROAT DISEASES WITH CASES. Editor: Prof. Dr. Fatma Tomlin
Kayhan. Cystic hygroma, Wesam M.E. Alakhras 303-305.

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